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Surfercado Featured on the cover of Natural Awakenings Hawaii!

BraveAvocado is art that is fun, whimsical, colorful and animated. It is also artist Jehan Valiente's pseudonym for herself when she is lost in her imagination. BraveAvocado art exemplifies the way she views the world–inspirational, playful and pure.
Since her debut into the art market a short time ago,Jehan has sold paintings to some of Hollywood’s most elite and her lively works have become a favorite amongst stars like Josh Duhamel and David Duchovny.
Jehan is a self-taught artist and paints with acrylic on canvas and wood panels utilizing vibrant colors, heavy texture, 3D- mixed media and fun, “swirly” brush strokes. She pays close attention to detail and elaborates particular elements of her paintings, so much so that one must look very closely to see her utmost dedication to her craft.Her saltwater taffy-like textures and colors can quickly conjure up a craving for something sweet, savory and mouthwatering.Yet, her creativity and inspiration come from many places.
For one, avocados inspire Jehan. She has always had a unique connection to them. One of her fondest memories as a child was sitting on a branch underneath her family's massive avocado tree. It was under those big green leaves and meaty rotund fruits that her imagination would come to life, and it is there that she felt her most brave and determined—hence the name, BraveAvocado. From the shape to the taste, she thinks they are wonderful fruit and it's one of her favorite things to paint. Each avocado is carefully crafted and created to Jehan's exact vision of this flawless fruit. She see's them as shiny precious stones or jewels, and paints and molds each one to perfection.
The sea is also her muse. As a kid growing up in Miami Florida, nature and its countless creatures were a passion of hers, especially marine life dwellers. As a young girl exploring tide pools and shorelines, she discovered her fascination with sea life. Her childhood memories of nature, ocean and animals has molded her love to create whimsical and vibrant characters. A principal part of Jehan's life is swimming in the sea and one day when she "grows up" she wants to be a mermaid. Today—an avid SCUBA diver—she finds much of her inspiration from her underwater encounters and you will often find her underwater at Sharks Cove or Three Tables on the North Shore of O`ahu.
Jehan’s mother, also an artist, has forever been a creative inspiration to her. She would paint playful murals on Jehan’s bedroom walls—including one of a brontosaurus at the beach—and always encouraged her daughter to explore her mind's eye. Perhaps that is, too, why Jehan has a fascination for eyes, as seen in her whimsical paintings. She brings the creatures in her painting to life through those eyes—the windows of their souls.
Currently, Jehan is working on her ocean and land creatures, as well as her brave avocados and friend's series.

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